Root Canal

An acute tooth pain which is an indicator of an irritated, damaged tooth, might be caused because of an infection in the inner nerve bundle. Root canal treatment is a common procedure used to save severely damaged teeth that would otherwise need to be removed. It involves removing the infected pulp, cleaning, and sealing the tooth to prevent future infections.

What Damages a Tooth's Pulp?

Tooth pulp can be damaged from a variety of causes such as trauma, deep dental decay, cracked tooth, and gum diseases. If you experience consistent toothaches, pain when chewing or biting, swelling around the tooth, or pain accompanied by a fever, it's important to have it looked at by a professional.

Who Needs a Root Canal Procedure?

Root canal treatment is recommended for patients with an infected or severely inflamed tooth. Symptoms include:

  • Consistent toothaches
  • Pain when chewing or biting
  • Swelling around the tooth
  • Pain accompanied by fever

If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, it would be good to have it looked at by a professional. We at Spring Leaf Dentistry will perform a thorough examination of your dental condition and recommend the appropriate treatment if it is necessary.

What to Expect After Root Canal Therapy?

After the procedure, you can expect relief from the pain you were experiencing. Until your root canal procedure is finished, we recommend minimizing chewing on the tooth under repair to avoid recontaminating the tooth and prevent a fragile tooth from breaking. Our team will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions including how to brush and floss as well as scheduled visits.

Are you experiencing severe Toothache?

If you're experiencing severe toothache, it's important to get it checked out as soon as possible. At Spring Leaf Dentistry, we understand how uncomfortable and debilitating toothache can be, which is why we offer prompt and compassionate care for patients experiencing this type of pain.

Don't let toothache ruin your day, book an appointment today with Spring Leaf Dentistry to determine if you need root canal treatment. Our team is here to help you soothe your pain and regain your oral health.

Book an Appointment CaLL US at 281.661.1414

Spring Leaf Dentistry - 1922 Greenhouse Rd #475 - Houston, TX 77084