Gum Contouring

Loss of gum tissue is concerning in most cases but can be beneficial in some instances. Gum contouring is a procedure to reshape your gums to provide aesthetic and oral health benefits. It involves removing excess gum tissue around your teeth if your gums only expose a small part of your teeth.

When is Gum contouring medically necessary?

Gum contouring may be considered as a treatment for some periodontal diseases. We will first treat the gum with nonsurgical options like antibiotics to kill the infection. If these efforts don’t work, we may recommend treatments that would require gum contouring.

What is crown lengthening?

Crown lengthening removes excess gum tissue to expose more of the tooth’s natural structure. Usually performed to make room for a prosthetic, such as veneers and dental crowns. It also helps improve the appearance of your smile.

How to care for your gums after your procedure?

It’s essential to keep the mouth clean, especially after gum contouring or crown lengthening, to help prevent infections. You can rinse your mouth several times a day with a saline rinse made of a teaspoon of salt and eight ounces of water with small hydrogen peroxide. Be careful while brushing.

If you are facing issues with gums and think gum contouring is for you. Reach us out; our friendly, experienced team will evaluate the situation and recommend if gum contouring and crown lengthening are an option.

Want to know more about Gum Contouring?

Don't let gum issues hold you back from achieving a beautiful and healthy smile. Contact Spring Leaf Dentistry today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our gum contouring and crown lengthening services. We are dedicated to providing our patients with the best possible care and results.

Book an Appointment CaLL US at 281.661.1414

Spring Leaf Dentistry - 1922 Greenhouse Rd #475 - Houston, TX 77084