Dental crowns

A tooth-shaped cap is placed on a tooth to cover it, restore its shape, size, strength, and improve its appearance.

Why Is a Dental Crown Needed?

A crown is commonly used to protect a weak tooth from breaking or restore an already broken tooth. Dental crowns are used on large fillings to cover and support the tooth, hold a dental bridge, and cover dental implants. A crown is used to save a tooth damaged by decay for children.

What Types of Crowns Are Available?

  • Prefabricated crowns made from stainless steel are commonly used as a temporary measure to protect teeth or filling. They are also used on primary teeth in children.
  • Metal crowns include alloys with a high content of gold, platinum, or base-metals are used. They withstand biting and chewing forces and likely last the longest and rarely chip or break.
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns are used when you would like to color-matched to your adjacent teeth. They have more wear and tear than metal or resin crowns.
  • All-resin dental crowns are less expensive but are more prone to fractures than porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.
  • All-ceramic or all-porcelain dental crowns provide a better natural color match than any other crown type. Crowns can use them for both front and back teeth.

What Problems Could Develop With a Dental Crown?

Some of the problems include discomfort or sensitivity, Chipped or loose crowns, crown falls, and allergic reactions to the material in crowns.

What Are "Onlays" and "3/4 Crowns?"

Onlays and 3/4 crowns are variations in the technique of dental crowns. The difference between these crowns and the traditional crowns is the coverage of the underlying tooth. The traditional crowns cover the entire tooth, while the onlays and 3/4 crowns cover the underlying tooth to a lesser extent.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Crowns last between 5 and 12 years on average. Crowns last longer with good oral hygiene practices. Therefore, it would be best to avoid habits such as grinding or clenching your teeth or chewing hard food items for crowns to last long.

Does a Crowned Tooth Require Special Care?

A crowned tooth does not require any special care, but crowns do not protect your teeth from decay. Therefore, continue to follow good oral hygiene practices.

Want to know more about dental crowns?

If you're interested in learning more about dental crowns and how they can improve your oral health and enhance your smile, please reach out to Spring Leaf Dentistry. Our team of experienced dentists can provide you with all the information you need and help you schedule an appointment. Contact us today to take the first step towards a healthier, more beautiful smile.

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Spring Leaf Dentistry - 1922 Greenhouse Rd #475 - Houston, TX 77084